102-2430 Military Road
Niagara Falls, New York 14304

102-2430 Military Road
Niagara Falls, 14304
Jonathane Ricci studied History, Political Science, and Information Technology at the University of Windsor, where his leadership skills were recognized through his election as Student Council President. He further honed his legal acumen at the Detroit College of Law, now known as Michigan State University College of Law, concentrating on taxation to assist individuals and businesses in minimizing their tax expenditures.
His quest for deeper knowledge in taxation led him to Georgetown University Law Centre in Washington D.C., where he specialized in international taxation. This rich educational background equips Jonathane with a nuanced understanding of taxation and asset protection, enabling him to offer unparalleled advice and services to his clients worldwide. Jonathane Ricci is an attorney with licenses to practice in New York and Michigan, bringing a wealth of experience in legal matters across various states. His journey in the professional realm began at KPMG's U.S. Corporate Tax Group in 1999. A few years later, in 2003, he ventured into entrepreneurship by co-founding the cross-border law firm Juroviesky and Ricci LLP, where he led the U.S. legal practice for six years.
Mr. Ricci practices in real estate, business, corporate law, international asset protection, structured & alternative financing, and taxation serving clients throughout North America. He excels in creating cross-border structures for real estate investments, focusing on liability protection and tax efficiency. In the realm of Private Wealth and Legacy Planning, Mr. Ricci offers bespoke solutions tailored to his clients' unique aspirations and goals. Through thorough consultation, he aims to understand his clients' visions for the future and devises strategic plans to protect and realize those visions, ensuring a lasting legacy.
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